Trust In the LORD

Life can be hard sometimes. One minute you are up and the next minute you are faced with a challenge that throws you. One that makes you pull on the faith that you do have, Faith is an ever constant thing that you have to work at. Keep yourself in that spiritual bootcamp so when you are weak the strength of your faith will keep you.

Trusting in the LORD is a daily practice. Each morning, we can dedicate our steps to Him with a prayer like, "Lord, I am trusting you today to order my steps. LORD increase Faith Today . This simple act of surrender acknowledges our dependence on HIM and invites HIM to guide us throughout the day.

When doubt creeps in,  you can  easily feel lost and you could feel like you are just constantly looking for direction. Let the word of God bring comfort to you today. Isaiah 26:4 offers a powerful message that can be our anchor in the storm: "Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal."

This reminds us that God is our everlasting rock. He is the constant source of strength, stability, and security. Unlike the temporary highs and lows of life, God's unfailing love and his faithfulness are ongoing. We can always place our trust in HIM, knowing that he will NEVER abandon us.

Trusting in the LORD doesn't mean that there wont be challenges or that everything is going to be perfect. It means that when you are facing the difficulties of life understanding that you are not alone. Sometimes trusting in God means surrendering control, I ask you today, free yourself release your grip on the outcome. Let go and Let God. Surrender the plans you have for yourself. God is always with you, offering you the strength and guidance every step of the way.

Remember that even the strongest climbers need a strong base. Let God be your foundation today, place your feet of faith on the solid rock. (praise break)

1 Comment

Elliott - July 1st, 2024 at 8:25am

This is a timely and helpful reminder that you are never alone. Trusting in God means letting go of the control that you think belongs to you. Disappointment is tied to expectation. If you THINK or EXPECT that YOU Can control the narrative and outcome, prepare to be disappointed every time.