Put Your Hope In God

Have you ever woken up with a weight on your chest, a heaviness taking over your emotions? You know something's wrong, a storm brewing beneath the surface, but words seem to escape you.  This, my friends, is a day many of us know all too well. Those days when you just can't explain how you feel.

Those restless nights that wake you up and there is a cry in you that feels like its coming from the very depths of your soul, those tearful mornings can feel utterly isolating.  We search for answers, for explanations, but sometimes all we find is a deafening silence. We cry out to God in the silent of the night. The moon peeking through the window dancing on the wall.  But In these moments, the wisdom of Psalm 42:11 rings true: "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my help and my God."

Yes, hope. It might feel like something you can't have especially when we're drowning in our sorrows, but that's exactly when we need it most.  Trusting in God doesn't require big understanding of our situation.  It's about surrendering to a something that is truly greater than ourselves, a power that gives  purpose to our lives. The wonderful truth: you are not alone.  God sees your tears, feels your burdens.  He doesn't ask for explanations, just ask that you just trust HIM.  When words fail, enter the quiet space of prayer, and stay there a moment.  Let your anxieties take over you, and then release them and leave them at the feet of the one who can do something about it.  Your pounding heartbeat means that you are still alive. God's grace and mercy is still with you.

 In that stillness, know that God is with you, and has always been there. He is there in the good times and the bad times.  He is your anchor in the storm, the light that pierces the darkness.  He may not calm the storm immediately, but He will surely see you through it. Its knowing that even in your darkest moments God's love is there with you always. ( you can shout right there).

This journey of faith isn't always easy, but trust me, it's worth it.  Stay the course, Hold on to hope, even when it feels like a distant thing. Trust in the unwavering presence of God, and allow Him to guide you through the rough times, the tough times towards hope.

I am praying with and for you always,
First Lady Rose

1 Comment

Elliott - July 1st, 2024 at 8:29am

That is such a powerful message to "hold onto hope", even when all else seems lost. If you lose hope, you lose it all. Why, because faith is the substance of those things that we hope for. It is a sad situation when we don't hope for long for, or what anything at all. As long as you have hope, faith is still alive.