Why Forgiveness is your Key to living Free from Bondage

Have you ever been hurt by someone? Maybe you were betrayed by a friend or family member. Maybe they said something to you that was hurtful, or a colleague took credit for something that. you worked hard on. The pain and frustrations of those experiences can linger, making forgiveness feel impossible. But, what if I told you that forgiveness isn't about the other person, its about setting you free .

This week at Bible study Elder Scott offered a powerful insight. He shared that forgiveness isn't condoning the action , but rather lifting the penalty , one of which we place on ourselves. Unforgiveness is like a prison we build around our hearts, trapping us in the pain of the past. Why should you pack that up and carry that around like luggage?

Think about it when you hold onto anger and resentment it weighs us down, steals our joy and can even hinder our prayers., as Pastor ABE emphasized in class as well. How can we truly connect with a loving God when our hearts are filled with negativity?

Forgiveness is not saying that you will be forgetting what happened or pretending it didn't hurt. It's a conscious decision to release the burden of anger and resentment, for our own sake. Forgiveness also says that if you accept the apology from someone  truly let it go. If you are holding on to it after that because you are looking for restitution that they don't even know about that keeps you in bondage!

  • Acknowledge your pain/hurt.  Don't keep it in. Talk to a trusted friend, therapist, or spiritual leader can be a huge help getting how you feel out.
  • Focus on the Moving Forward Holding onto anger keeps you chained to the past. Choose to move forward.
  • Practice empathy. Try to understand the other person's perspective, even if you don't agree with their actions.  Sometimes, people hurt us unintentionally. 
  • Embrace the power of prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool for healing and letting go. Ask God for the strength to forgive and truly let it go. 

Remember, forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. There may be setbacks, but with God all things are possible!
Together, let's break free from the bondage of unforgiveness and experience the joy that God wants us all to have!

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Elliott - May 17th, 2024 at 4:45pm

This is such an important message. We need to talk about this honestly a lot more than we do.

Jossie A Bradley - May 18th, 2024 at 1:17pm

We often feel that we are forgiving for that person when in truth it's for our own benefit. Once we fully understand this, I believe we will be able to forgive more fully and truly from our hearts. Thank you First Lady Rose.