Turbulence Within: Trusting When You Feel Like You're Falling

Faith is believing in something that is greater than ourselves. But, when life gets hard, that believe can feel like your on a tightrope over a bottomless pit. We start to cling to what's familiar, the things that have worked for us before. We convince ourselves that we powered through the last tough time alone, truly ignoring the gentle hand of grace that might have guided us. Then we are faced with the real test: a situation that screams for divine intervention. The challenge in alot of situations is surrendering control to something we can't see and that can be terrifying. We crave those things you can touch. We crave those things that are tangible solutions, things we can grasp onto. Faith is that thing that asks us to trust in the gentle still small voice and not the shouts!! The shouts are the things we know GOD DID.

But, the same God that got you to the airport, guiding you along the way with traveling grace and road mercies is the same God that will be with you on the plane. Yet, doubt creeps in, fueled by anxieties that whisper negativity. Picture this you are so excited to go on vacation. But, your destination requires that you fly. You're now strapped in your airplane seat, there are hundred other people on the plane with you. You seem to feel a little claustrophobic, you are now going through the skies at hundred miles per hour. You find yourself playing games to take your mind off of everything and to waste time. Excitement  for your trip quickly turns to dread the longer you are on there. Your heart is now racing, you have the sweaty palms and breath has now quickened. A full blown panic attack threatens to take hold. Anyone who's experienced flight anxiety knows this feeling. The illusion of control vanishes, and now you have fear.  And there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it.

This is where your faith foundation comes in. Remember those scriptures that you have tucked away in your heart? The one that reminds you God equips you with power, love and a sound mind and not fear? (2 Timothy 1:7) Now is the time for you to revisit them. Faith is a muscle and the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.  Find yourself in a spiritual bootcamp from time to time, when your faith muscles are feeling weak.

So, the next time you are faced with any situation, hold onto the scriptures you have in your heart. But, just remember that when you are squeezed in a pressure situation , whatever you have in you comes out! Put in the word of God so that when are squeezed until you pop the thing that comes out  is the WORD.

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