Why Trusting God Feels Easier in a Storm

Have you noticed how faith often flares the most in the face of a hardship? We plead for divine intervention when illness strikes, pray fervently during heartbreak, and cling to hope in the throes of uncertainty. But why does trusting God feel more natural to us during these storms or rough seasons than when life's seas are relatively calm? When everything seems to be going as we have planned.

There is a certain desperation in the midst of struggle. WE are all aware of our limitations in life. When everything feels out of control, surrendering to a higher power can be a powerful act of self-preservation. It's a way of saying, "I can't handle this hard thing, but surely you can."

But what about those quiet moments of anxiety, the nameless dread that creeps up on you even when things around you are okay? Why does trusting GOD seem or feel less necessary then? Why do we think we only need God when we feel like the thing or things we want require more?

But "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7). Perhaps in those calm moments you depend on self reliance. We convince ourselves we have thing under control , that we shouldn't need the comfort of faith. Or have we been taught that faith is only good for the extremely tough things.

But God's presence is not contingent on our circumstances or what we have going on at the time. He's there in the whispered reassurances during our anxious times just as He's present in the answered prayers during our storms of life. We should all take comfort in knowing that God is there at all times. God is there in the good times, and God is there in the bad times. If you are constantly sitting at his feet then you never have to wonder where he is! (That is a word right there)

Remember, faith isn't just about how you can weather the storms but how you handle the joy of the sunshine too. By nurturing our trust in God during all times, we create that foundation of peace that will carry us through whatever life throws our way. You should be so close to God that when anyone is around you they can feel HIM too. In HIS presence there is everything that you need.

Lord increase faith today for those who will read this post.

In His Service
First Lady Rose


Elliott - April 6th, 2024 at 7:41pm

This is such a good reminder of how we should trust God in all things.

Adrian Darrington - April 7th, 2024 at 9:14am

Thank you for reminding us that we ALWAYS need the Lord.