Journey with me as we LIFT our eyes to Resurrection Sunday
Holy Week is upon us, a time to journey with Jesus through the final moments of his earthly ministry. It has been a week filled with different emotions- We celebrated the joy of Palm Sunday, the intimacy of the Last Supper, the crushing weight of Good Friday. But, as we move through these days of reflection of the goodness of God we also hold onto the promise that awaits: the glorious celebration of Resurrection Sunday, a day that lifts our hearts and renews our faith.

Lifting Our Burdens : The Power of Holy Week
This week isn't just about remembering historical events. Its about recognizing the impact this week has had on us in the present. When we stop and think about Jesus sacrifice, we can't help but confront our own struggles. Are you carrying a heavy burden, a weight that you feel like its impossible to bear it alone? Holy Week reminds us that even in the darkest moments, God's love still endures. We can LIFT those burdens to HIM, and trust that HE will see us through.

Restoring Hope : The HOPE of Easter
Good Friday may have brought a sense of sorrow, but it doesn't have the final say.  We recognize the sacrifice that Jesus endured for us. The approaching dawn of Easter Sunday brings a surge of hope, a true powerful reminder that death was not the end. The empty tomb isn't just an absence of a body; its a true reminder of VICTORY Jesus rose again offering us the promise of a new life. This isn't just a historical fact; its a truth that can RESTORE our hope and guide us through anything that may be a challenge. The resurrection RESTORES our hope , and proves that love conquers all.

Lord Increase Faith Today
As we approach the culmination of Holy Week , let us pray , echoing the words "Lord Increase Faith Today" (Lift and Restore). Lord please increase the faith that I already have. May this week be a time to strengthen our connection with God, to reflect on HIS immense love and sacrifice, and to prepare our hearts for the joy of Resurrection Sunday.

How are YOU looking forward to  Resurrection Sunday? Resurrection Sunday is definitely more than just egg hunts and fancy suits. Let us use Sunday to Renew our Gratitude take the time for quiet reflection. Look for an opportunity to do volunteer work or share your services. Create new traditions the joy of Resurrection Sunday shouldn't be confined to just the church walls. Let's use this Holy Week as a springboard to celebrate the power of faith, hope, and new beginnings.

In His Service
First Lady Rose

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