The Paradox of Power

In 2 Corinthians Chapter 12, Paul writes about a compelling a riveting vision that he had some fourteen years prior. The vision that Paul records of being caught up to the third heaven which is actually the Heaven that we all envision when we say that we are going to Heaven. Paul saw and heard things that were unlawful for him to even repeat. The revelations that he received were so awe-inspiring that Paul was given something else as a result, he was given what he describes as a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass him. Paul pleaded with God 3 times to remove this thing but instead, God gave him a remarkable promise. Within two short verses we see the promise that God made, the paradox of Paul’s predicament, and the power that was promised.

Paul found himself in a situation that by any careful reading of the text, he did nothing to cause. However, this was a situation that he could not get himself out of. This was a situation that was severe enough that Paul prayed three times for God to remove this situation. Instead, God gave him a promise that God’s grace was sufficient. In response to the prayers, the pleading, and the petitions from Paul, God gave him a promise. That promise was that God’s grace was sufficient because God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. God’s grace is sufficient for whatever you are facing today. That is a promise that God made to Paul and that extends to us and our situations today as well. Whatever your problem, whatever your situation, God’s grace is sufficient.

The paradox of the power is that in order to tap into this power and receive the promise, Paul has to admit his human frailties. The paradox is that God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Can you be humble enough to receive the power of God for yourself? I know it seems to be at odds with all that we have been taught. In fact, it is somewhat of a paradox but this is the paradox of power. When we are weak, then are we strong.

When we trust God with our weaknesses, then the power of Christ can rest on us. The power of Christ can transform us. The power of Christ can lift us up from whatever we are struggling with. That same redemptive, restoring, revealing powerof Christ can change our whole lives. This power is the power that caused Jesse Dixon to write that powerful song entitled I Am Redeemed so many years ago. Whatever you are dealing with today, just know that when you are weak, then you are strong because of the soul-saving power of Christ that is available to you. Trust the promise. Endure the paradox. And receive the power of Jesus Christ to transform your life.

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