The Record of Your Life, Will It Convict or Acquit You?

The Record of Your Life, Will It Convict or Acquit You?

I must admit, the title of this blog post asks a loaded question which could be open to interpretation. Let me set the record straight and remove any ambiguity that may be in the question. If the record of your life were reviewed, would your life be enough to convict your or acquit you if the charge is that you are a follower of Jesus Christ? Now that is a clearer question with all ambiguity removed. However, the challenge still persists. If the various facets of our lives were to be examined against the charge that we are followers of Jesus, would there be proof enough for a conviction?

In a sermon preached at Elevating Faith Ministries on July 2, 2023, Pastor ABE delivered a spirited sermon which explored the trial of Peter and John in Acts Chapter 4. Peter and John were both on trial for having healed a man in Acts Chapter 3 who had been lame from his birth. After healing this man, Peter and John continued to proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ which caused many more lives to be saved and become followers of Jesus Christ. The religious rulers, the same ones who sentenced Jesus to die were the same ones conducting this trial. The observation that they made was that although Peter and John were uneducated, common men, there was no mistake that they had been with Jesus.

If your life is examined, what will your words say about you having been with Jesus? Will the conversations that you have when you think no one is listening convict you of being a follower of Jesus, or will those conversations acquit you for lack of Christ-like evidence? When trouble comes your way, is your talk that of faith in God or steeped in fear? Will your words convict you or allow you to get off for lack of evidence? Will your works and your witness when examined closely be filled with sufficient evidence to convict you or will you walk for lack of evidence? Unlike the Miranda Rights afforded by our US Judicial Code, as a Believer you do NOT have the right to remain silent about your faith. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. If you’re breathing, give Him praise and let that praise be so loud that there will be evidence enough to convict you.
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